Car accidents

Car accidents

Greece is in the first places in the countries with the most European traffic accidents. Direct contact with the lawyer is crucial for the development and successful outcome of the case. When a car accident occurs, claims for damages are incurred for material damage, bodily injury, lost profits and non-pecuniary damage or mental suffering, if death has occurred as a result of the car accident. The assistance of specialized scientists in the management of the case, such as experienced traffic accident experts and medical examiners, is important, in order to conduct a collective study of the case in all fields for the best possible result. In car accident lawsuits, the insurance companies of the vehicles that were involved in the car accident also become parties.

When a car accident is caused by an uninsured vehicle or by an unknown perpetrator, the victim has the right to claim compensation from the legal entity under private law under the name "Auxiliary Insurance Fund for Car Accident Liability" and abbreviated "AUXILIARY KO". The Auxiliary Fund is obliged to pay compensation to the injured persons due to the killing of bodily injuries or material damage from car accidents when:

A) The person responsible is still unknown. In this case, however, there is no obligation to compensate for material damage, unless at the same time bodily injuries were caused that require hospital care, provided that a police authority has been contacted and this treatment lasted for at least five days in a public hospital or private hospital.

B) The accident came from uninsured cars. Persons who voluntarily boarded the vehicle that caused the damage are exempted from the obligation, if the Auxiliary Fund proves that they knew that the vehicle was not insured.

C) The insurer went bankrupt or against him the execution was fruitless or the license of the insurance company was revoked due to violation of law.

D) The accident occurred from certain types of vehicles or certain vehicles with a special license plate and whose liability has not been covered in accordance with Article 2 hereof. In this case the Auxiliary Capital, which has compensated damage caused by a special type vehicle or a special registration plate of another Member State, has the right of recourse against the respective Auxiliary Capital of the usual parking place of the vehicle.

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